Coral isn’t some underwater artwork, it’s an ecosystem
Home to a million species, sustaining a quarter of marine life
Supporting a billion human lives
With food, jobs, medicine and flood defense
Coral reef services are worth over $9.9 trillion annually
By reviving coral, we can restore our belief in change
Turning coral into a symbol of hope
That we can make a difference together
We don’t just survive with coral
We thrive with coral.
You may not live near a coral reef. You may have never even seen one in real life. But coral sits at the front line of climate change, and our individual and collective actions have an impact. Reducing your carbon footprint is essential for the survival of coral reefs, and to mitigate the climate crisis.
Join The Coral Collective by pledging to do these things, and share your pledge on social media using the hashtag #ForCoral. Every week we will select people who have made the pledge to receive special gifts from us on behalf of the reefs.
Agriculture is a significant driver of global warming and causes 15% of all emissions, half of which are from livestock. Furthermore, the huge amounts of grain and water needed to raise cattle is a concern to experts worried about feeding an extra 2 billion people by 2050. Beef’s environmental impact dwarfs that of other meat including chicken and pork, new research reveals, with one expert saying that eating less red meat would be a better way for people to cut carbon emissions than giving up their cars. Learn more here
Plastic is everywhere, in our food packaging, cosmetic ingredients, clothes and mobile phones. It’s found our ways literally into our bloodstreams. But most importantly, it's in the ocean, and can kill coral reefs. Single-use plastics are particularly insidious with an average useful life of 12 to 15 minutes and yet can take up to 500 years to disappear. Fortunately we have the power to take things into our own hands to reduce our consumption of plastics and acquire new plastic-free habits. Together, we can make a huge impact and give coral a break. Learn more here
Join The Coral Collective. Sign up for our newsletter, attend events, and share our content or your own on your social media channels to help spread the word about the importance of coral reefs.. And please: use your vote. We can make huge progress by electing politicians that can move us towards a sustainable world.
We are standing at a pivotal moment in history. The science could not be clearer: at most, we have 7 years to avoid crossing the 1.5°C heating threshold. The consequential increase in existential risks to nature and people is undeniable. The most recent report from 11,000 scientists across 153 countries said that without swift action, ‘untold human suffering’ is unavoidable. The ocean plays a huge role in the climate story; it is the beating blue heart of this planet— essential to each and every one of us. The ocean is the earth’s biggest carbon sink, creates over half our oxygen and feeds billions of people around the world. But increasing levels of CO2 are causing ocean heating, acidification and deoxygenation, leading to changes in oceanic circulation and chemistry, rising sea levels, increased storm intensity, and changes in the diversity and abundance of marine species. And coral is heavily impacted by oceanic heat waves, so reducing your CO2 footprint helps out coral in a big way. Read more about Net Zero here. Here are some ways you can help:
Only fly when it’s necessary and if you have to fly, look at offsetting and choose airlines using biofuel.
If you’re going to fly, it should be for truly extraordinary and important reasons.
Fly economy (to take up less of the plane).
Or, take a slower and greener form of travel and arrange for a longer visit - think Greta and her boat!
Take low carbon modes of transport; walk or cycle short distances, take a train or bus, choose electric or hybrid taxis.
When buying a new car, switch to an electric or hybrid car.
Reduce or give up red meat and dairy.
Consider moving to a primarily plant-based diet.
If you’re going to eat fish choose from a sustainable source and treat fish as a treat.
Buy locally-sourced food – purchase a local vegetable and fruit box to be delivered to your home.
Get to know the supply chain and support the companies you like.
Say no to single-use plastic and join the refill revolution – use your reusable bottle, coffee cup, take away food box, and cutlery when you’re on the move.
Support brands that are taking credible and authentic action towards sustainable fashion.
Buy second-hand via charity shops, vintage stores and online marketplaces.
If you’re buying new, focus on quality and keep in use.
Choose sustainable fibres such as organic cotton, bamboo and recycled materials
Repurpose old clothing into new unique items.
Donate or sell unwanted clothes on marketplaces such as Depop, Vinted or organise a clothes swap.
Do you know who needs shark fins? Sharks. Skip the soup. Did you know Chilean Sea Bass is actually a fish called the Patagonian Toothfish that comes from far away places like Antarctica and are vital to keeping their ecosystem healthy? Did you know shrimp and prawns have a huge by-catch ratio – meaning that for each one you eat, many other species of fish have lost their lives and been tossed back overboard. You can help today. There are apps you can download to make ocean-friendly seafood choices including Seafood Watch (US), Good Fish Guide (Europe), and Sustainable Seafood (Australia).
Following are a few tips provided by the great people at Plastic Pollution Coalition on how to make changes today:
Always bring your own bags whenever you shop, not just for the supermarket. By bringing your own bag, you alone can save between 400 and 600 plastic bags per year. There are lots of cool tote bag companies out there. Don’t just bring your own tote bags - remember the little bags for your produce and bulk buy items, too!
Mothering Mother cotton produce bags
Life Without Plastic greens bag
Consider some easy alternatives to the ubiquitous plastic straws that come in nearly every restaurant and bar glass. When did using a straw become so commonplace anyway? But if you have become addicted to using a straw, consider carrying your own:
Stainless steel from Plastic Pollution Coalition's online store
Glass straws from Simply Straws or Glass Dharma
Paper straws are becoming common - bring your own or find restaurants that offer them. We love the Aardvark brand
Bamboo straws from
Whether you prepare your lunch to take to school or the office, get take-away or go out to eat, remember to take along your own reusable containers for sandwiches, snacks, and leftovers. Some cool options:
Did you know that cigarette filters are actually made of plastic? Every butt you put on the ground or in the bin and don’t recycle is contributing to plastic pollution worldwide. But if you’re not ready to take the step to quit, at least rethink the lighter. Rather than buy plastic disposable lighters, consider investing in a refillable multi-use lighter. The oceans of the world will thank you, as will all those birds and marine life who mistake their bright colors for food. Disposable plastic lighters are one of the most common items found in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch trash analyses.
There are many excellent substitutes to the ubiquitous stretch plastic wrap/cling film we have been told is essential for cooking and preserving foods - like beeswax wraps. Bees Wraps conform to bowls and containers, keep sandwiches fresh, and it washable and reusable. Check out Bee’s Wrap and other companies like them.
All roads lead to Rome, so to speak. The oil, trash and debris on the street and in the gutter often ends up going down storm drains and into the ocean. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers are really harmful to the ocean and coral reefs in particular, so spruce up your garden using natural products. Never ever flush kitty litter down the toilet – it contains pathogens that are very harmful to marine life. Another biggie - never release aquarium fish into the ocean or other bodies of water. The exotic fish in your aquarium can take down local ecosystems, as the lion fish is doing in the Atlantic and Caribbean today. Learn more here and here
Bring a stainless steel water bottle rather than drinking water out of disposable plastic bottles. And guess what? You're drinking plastic in your plastic bottle, disrupting your hormones and making yourself sick. Choose stainless steel or glass reusable bottles over aluminum. Don’t have your stainless steel bottle with you? Buy a glass-bottled drink. When you finish that beverage, reuse the bottle or make sure to recycle it. Glass is recycled at much higher rates than plastic.
frequently asked question
Coral reefs are vital to marine biodiversity, providing shelter, food, and breeding grounds for countless marine species. They also protect coastal communities from storms and erosion, making their protection crucial for both the environment and local economies.
Description text goes hereCoral reefs support a diverse range of marine life, serve as carbon sinks, and help maintain water quality. They also act as buffers, protecting coastlines from erosion and storm surges, which benefits both the environment and human populations.
Protect coral reefs by reducing carbon emissions, minimizing plastic waste, supporting sustainable seafood practices, and participating in conservation efforts. Additionally, practicing responsible tourism, such as avoiding touching or collecting corals, helps safeguard these ecosystems.
Certain fish species, like parrotfish and damselfish, help protect coral reefs by grazing on algae that can smother corals. Their activities maintain the balance of the ecosystem, ensuring the health of coral reefs.
The Coral Collective is a community focused on protecting coral reefs. By pledging to take actions like reducing carbon emissions, minimizing plastic use, and supporting sustainable practices, you can join the movement to protect these vital ecosystems.