The Coral Research & Development Accelerator Platform – CORDAP – was launched in 2020 by the G20 to fast-track research and development (R&D) solutions to save the world’s corals.

In order to void the loss of corals and secure a future for these key marine habitats even in the face of continuing climate change, we must accelerate the delivery of the best science and technology and develop next-generation solutions.

CORDAP brings together the best minds worldwide, in a transdisciplinary approach, to accelerate international research and development to supply the technologies and innovations required to secure a future for corals and reefs.

CORDAP will support scientific projects, selected through global, targeted calls for proposals and reviewed by independent experts. CORDAP’s selection process will follow best-practice, streamlined procedures for project preparation and selection.

Learn more about CORDAP

Coral Reefs logo

As an implementation vehicle for the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and Sustainable Development Goal 14, Life Below Water, the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) Coalition is enhancing the resilience of coastal reef ecosystems, communities and economies by unlocking new public and private resources that accelerate sustainable businesses and financial solutions. Hosting both a Grant Fund and an Investment Fund, the GFCR resilience-focused portfolio includes market-based solutions spanning 23 countries, including waste treatment and recycling, coral reef insurance, sustainable aquaculture and agriculture, ecotourism, blue carbon credits, and mechanisms for sustainable Marine Protected Area (MPAs) finance.

With capitalisation underway, by 2030 GFCR aims to support over 400 reef positive businesses and sustainable financial mechanisms; the resilience of over 20 million community members and 3 million hectares of coral reefs (representing 20% of the Coral Reef Breakthrough target); and the sustainable financing of 7.5 million hectares of MPAs. GFCR’s investments will aim to leverage $2-3 billion USD in public and private finance for the benefit of marine ecosystems and coastal communities.

The GFCR Coalition is a public-private partnership driven by more than 50 Member States, UN Agencies, financial institutions, philanthropies, impact investors, and conservation organisations.

Learn more about GFCR

ICRI logo

The International Coral Reef Initiative (ICRI) is a global partnership between Nations and organizations which strives to preserve coral reefs and related ecosystems around the world.

ICRI emerged out of the recognition that coral reefs and related ecosystems found in tropical and sub-tropical regions are facing serious degradation, primarily due to anthropogenic stresses. Many nations face similar threats to coral reefs and related ecosystems as well as similar management problems. 

The Initiative was founded in 1994 by eight governments: Australia, France, Japan, Jamaica, the Philippines, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. It was announced at the First Conference of the Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity in December 1994, and at the high level segment of the Intersessional Meeting of the U.N. Commission on Sustainable Development in April 1995. ICRI now counts over 100 members.

Learn more about ICRI

A snapshot of projects making an impact around the world.


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Gulf of Aqaba Resilient Reefs

The Gulf of Aqaba Resilient Reefs Programme aims to catalyse greater private investment into reef-positive enterprises for the benefit of Aqaba’s uniquely resilient coral reefs, marine life, and communities.

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Micronesia Coral Reefs

This program represents over 1 million hectares of coastal ecosystems with improved management including 175,141 hectares of coral reefs.

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Sri Lanka Coral Reef Initiative

The Sri Lanka Coral Reef Initiative (SLCRI) aims to focus on protection of climate ‘refugia’ coral reefs that have the potential to withstand climate impacts through the scaling of 12 sustainable reef-positive enterprises.

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Fi Wi Riif (Our Reef)

The Fi Wi Riif Programme aims to protect and recover the health of resilient coral reef sites in Colombia’s Seaflower Biosphere Reserve, representing over 232,000 hectares of protect reefs under improved ecological management.

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Seychelles Ocean’s Resolve 

The Ocean’s Resolve programme aims to generate sufficient critical mass in establishing a dynamic and sustainable blue economy around coral reef ecosystem protection and regeneration, as well as that of related ecosystems so as to open up a diversified range of impact investment opportunities for capital seeking promising opportunities.

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The Maldives RREEF resilient program aims to establish sustainable financing mechanisms to support coral conservation and facilitate the development of, and investment in, projects and businesses that sustainably contribute to the resilience of coral reefs and the communities living on these atolls.

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The Mesoamerican Reef (MAR) region, encompassing Belize, and the Caribbean coasts of Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico, is home to the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere, stretching almost 700 miles.

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Investments in Sustainable Reefs

Led by GFCR Convening Agent WCS, the Miamba Yetu programme covers the coastlines of Kenya and Tanzania including the Zanzibar archipelago with a focus on the proposed Transboundary Conservation Area identified by WCS scientists as a coral climate refuge.

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Good Oceans, Good Business

This project establishes a Blue Economy Enterprise Incubation Facility to accelerate sustainable livelihood opportunities linked to the marine environment in Papua New Guinea.

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Investing in Coral Reef & The Blue Economy

This project, which invests in Coral Reef and the Blue Economy (ICRBE), co-funded by the UN Joint SDG Fund, is on a mission to catalyse positive change in Fijian coral reefs and the communities dependent on them.

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Currently, corals bred for nurseries are simply collected from the seafloor. Ideally, scientists would benefit from prior knowledge of the corals’ climate resilience, because highly thermo-tolerant corals would be best suited for reef restoration, in a warming ocean.

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