A Healthy Future for Indonesian Coral Reefs
Countries involved: Indonesia
Coral Collective Partner: GFCR
Indonesia’s coral reefs, located in the heart of the Coral Triangle, are among the largest, most diverse, and resilient in the world. The Terumbu Karang Sehat Indonesia Programme targets almost 250,000 hectares of total area under improved ecological management. Led by GFCR convening agents Conservation International and Yayasan Konservsai Cakrawla Indonesia. This project has established two main objectives: a) diversifying sustainable revenue streams to the MPA network to ensure effective protection of critical coral reef ecosystems and the prevention of destructive fishing; and b) investing in the marine tourism industry to ensure it is better managed, associated threats to reefs are reduced, and Papuan communities’ benefit. In Palau Sumba, the programme seeks to transform the rapidly growing seaweed mariculture industry to demonstrate coral-positive, equitable, and profitable models that can be replicated nationally, per the ambition of the Indonesian Government. Across both regions, the programme focuses on the direct incubation of scalable reef-positive enterprise investments.