Countries involved: Indonesia
Coral Collective Partner: GFCR
The KORALESTARI programme is the second GFCR programme in Indonesia, and represents over 166,000 hectares of protected reefs under improved ecological management and coral cover targets. It aims to tackle unsustainable fishing and aquaculture, uncontrolled coastal development, land and marine pollution, climate change impacts, and invasive species, all of which contribute to the declining health of coral reefs in Indonesia. The programme operates in three priority areas: Berau in East Kalimantan, Savu Sea in East Nusa Tengarra, and Natuna Sea, west of Borneo. To tackle these drivers of coral reef degradation, KORALESTARI is seeking to develop innovative finance mechanisms, improve coral reef conservation, support bankable reef-positive projects that advance the livelihoods of reef-dependent communities, and restore and recover coral reefs after major shocks, maintaining climate resilience.